Tag Archives: small businesses

Jun 2016

Building Better Working Relationships

businessmen sitting at the desk and holding hands with thumbs up gesture,

Establishing and maintaining healthy working relationships is the key to having a positive workplace. Effective businesses are the ones which encourage the development of positive relationships between employers and employees as well as amongst colleagues. How do we start doing this? Here are some tips for everyone:   Have a clear and concise company mission …

Mar 2016

Small Businesses: Why You Need to Support Them


There’s absolutely nothing ‘small’ about small businesses. In Canada, small businesses are often advertised as the backbone of Canada’s economy. According to Industry Canada, 98.2% of all Canadian companies comprise of small businesses and 69.7% of Canadians work for small businesses as of 2013. It is quite impressive to think how these people are able …

Mar 2016

Marketing Strategies Small Businesses Need in 2016

small business sign pinned on a cork board

Your business might be doing well or it can also be falling – whatever your current status is, you still have to perform a marketing audit of the past year to see the areas to continue and the ones that need improvement. It’s easy to come up with a system that works, but the main …