Tag Archives: business

Jul 2016

10 Business Advices You Should Not Miss Out On

Business man working at office with laptop and documents on his desk, consultant lawyer concept

Business successes and failures teach entrepreneurs many things – what to do and what not to when starting a business. There are several books and articles that tell you what you should or should not do in order to be successful in this industry, but it’s not always easy to follow what we see, hear …

Jun 2016

Time Management: Why It’s Important

Analog Clock with the words "TIME TO FOCUS". Isolated

Have you ever heard the saying, “Time and tide wait for none”? It is important that we understand the value of time for us to succeed in all aspects of life. People who waste time are also the ones who fail to create an identity of their own. In business, it is especially important to …

Jun 2016

Digital Advertising and What It Does for Your Small Business

Interactive digital marketing channels illustration

The world has rapidly shifted from analogue to digital – and the change has been amazing (or overwhelming for some)!  You would notice how people are consuming more and more digital content on a daily basis – may it be on their mobile phones, desktop computers at work, laptops, tablets, etc.   You might be …

May 2016

Improve the Cash Flow of Your Business

Watering Dollar notes, new growth shooting upwards, nurturing new growth,

If you are into business, you know well enough that cash flow is the life blood of a business, and sales are its muscles. Cash flow is the total amount of money being transferred into and out of a business. A good cash flow is essential to any company as this is needed to pay …

Apr 2016

Hiring Your First Employees

young asian business executive being interviewed

As if all the planning wasn’t enough, you now have to consider hiring your first employees for your start-up business! Don’t fret – you’ve reached this far, you just have to keep going. Take note that hiring your first employee is such a huge step for your business. Thus, it is important that you choose …

Apr 2016

Start Your Own Business – Stop Procrastinating!

Portrait Of Female Bookshop Owner Outside Store

Nowadays, people have been venturing the business industry. Both small and big businesses have been thriving and keeping families well-provided. Not only can you have extra income month after month, you can also manage your own schedule and your own time. If you have been planning on setting up your own small business then by …

Mar 2016

Marketing Strategies Small Businesses Need in 2016

small business sign pinned on a cork board

Your business might be doing well or it can also be falling – whatever your current status is, you still have to perform a marketing audit of the past year to see the areas to continue and the ones that need improvement. It’s easy to come up with a system that works, but the main …

Mar 2016

Tips for Opening Another Business Location

Businessman holding compass

As your business thrives and becomes established, you are sure to consider having to expand it by opening a new location. Whether you are leasing or purchasing the location, this investment requires significant capital. Some business owners finance a new location by using a business loan or mortgage from lenders. However, before you start to …

Feb 2016

Business Ideas for the Love Month

Florist woman prepares a big bouquet of red roses. One hundred and one dutch rose. Florist flower shop. Holland. Wrapping paper. Concept holiday, birthday, World Women's Day, Valentine's Day, 8 March

If you are a smart entrepreneur who has extra time on your hands, then why not turn Valentine’s Day into a sideline? February 14 is a celebrated holiday worldwide. People don’t hold back on giving gifts, having parties, and basically just having fun with loved ones. If you want to earn some extra bucks, you …